First Priority is a Lithuanian-Danish owned service company founded in 2005, assisting brand companies to improve their sourcing, by optimizing processes in the value chain. We listen first and we tune up our services to the individual needs of every client. We deeply care about establishing long term relationships with our clients and growing together by seeking even more ambitious goals. If your company is looking for a outsourced production department, or you want to improve only certain functions, we’ll definitely find something suitable that’ll exceed your expectations.


First Priority is a Lithuanian-Danish owned service company founded in 2005, assisting brand companies to improve their sourcing, by optimizing processes in the value chain.

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We listen first and we tune up our services to the individual needs of every client. We deeply care about establishing long term relationships with our clients and growing together by seeking even more ambitious goals. If your company is looking for a outsourced production department, or you want to improve only certain functions, we’ll definitely find something suitable that’ll exceed your expectations.





We – the management of First Priority – hereby declare and undertake to unconditionally accept the rules below with being open to all kind of cooperation and communication with our business environment – employees, shareholders, the government, finance corporations, suppliers and customers.

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– to value all employees without any kind of discrimination such as language, religion, nationality and gender
– to avoid employing child labor
– to avoid employing people without their consents
– to provide occupational health and safety and audit regularly
– to allow all employees to be a member of any labor organization
– to make production with a full respect on nature and environment
– to support employees’ personal developments and provide opportunities
– to pay salaries, overtimes and all other social rights which were given according to labor contracts, in time


We – the management of First Priority – hereby declare and undertake to unconditionally accept the rules below with being open to all kind of cooperation and communication with our business environment – employees, shareholders, the government, finance corporations, suppliers and customers.

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– to value all employees without any kind of discrimination such as language, religion, nationality and gender
– to avoid employing child labor
– to avoid employing people without their consents
– to provide occupational health and safety and audit regularly
– to allow all employees to be a member of any labor organization
– to make production with a full respect on nature and environment
– to support employees’ personal developments and provide opportunities
– to pay salaries, overtimes and all other social rights which were given according to labor contracts, in time







EU projects

„Kuriame Lietuvos ateitį”

UAB First priority has started to implement the project Development of design solutions for functional children’s sleepwear and circulating textile products system financed by the European Regional Development Fund. 03.3.1-LVPA-K-838-02-0184.  

Skaityti daugiau

Project budget: EUR 35,487.00, of which EU part: EUR 17,743.50.
Start of activities: 2020 August 31
Expected completion of activities: 26 February 2021.

The aim of the project – is to develop design solutions for functional children’s sleepwear and
circulating textile products in order to increase the attractiveness of UAB First Priority products, as
well as the demand and productivity of the company.

The task of the project is to create original design solutions for children’s sleepwear and
circulating textile products.

Thanks to the project, UAB First Priority plans to develop design solutions for functional children’s
sleepwear and circulating textile products.

The design of functional sleepwear for children will be developed to meet the needs of market
buyers: to improve children’s sleep, reduce night wake-ups, increase children’s safety during sleep,
protect against undressing during sleep, protect against unhygienic sleep behavior, which is
especially common for children with special needs. to use ecological raw materials for children’s clothing, to adapt products of aesthetic design universally – both for typically developing children
and children with special needs.

E. komercijos modelio diegimas

UAB „First priority“, plėsdama savo veikla (įvesdama į rinką naują prekės ženklą), įgyvendina e.komercijos projektą, kurio metu bus sukurta nauja el. prekybos platforma,  o taip pat užtikrinta reikiama integracija su įmonės buhalterinės apskaitos sistema, siekiant optimizuoti įmonės naujų produktų el. prekybos procesą skaitmeninimo pagalba. Tai sąlygos tiek efektyvų el. pardavimų, tiek optimalų įmonės resursų valdymą, ko pasekoje augs įmonės pajamos.

Projektas finansuojamas iš Europos regioninės plėtros fondo, kaip Europos Sąjungos atsako į COVID-19 pandemiją priemonė

Skaityti daugiau

Projekto pavadinimas – „E. komercijos modelio diegimas“
Projekto vykdytojas – UAB „First priority“

Bendra projekto vertė – 20 475.00 EUR
Iš Europos regioninės plėtros fondo projekto įgyvendinimui skiriama iki – 15 356,25 EUR

Projekto vykdymo pradžia – 2022-02-14
Projekto vykdymo pabaiga – 2022-10-13

EU projects

„Kuriame Lietuvos ateitį”

UAB First priority has started to implement the project Development of design solutions for functional children’s sleepwear and circulating textile products system financed by the European Regional Development Fund. 03.3.1-LVPA-K-838-02-0184.

Skaityti daugiau

Project budget: EUR 35,487.00, of which EU part: EUR 17,743.50.
Start of activities: 2020 August 31
Expected completion of activities: 26 February 2021.

The aim of the project – is to develop design solutions for functional children’s sleepwear and
circulating textile products in order to increase the attractiveness of UAB First Priority products, as
well as the demand and productivity of the company.

The task of the project is to create original design solutions for children’s sleepwear and
circulating textile products.

Thanks to the project, UAB First Priority plans to develop design solutions for functional children’s
sleepwear and circulating textile products.

The design of functional sleepwear for children will be developed to meet the needs of market
buyers: to improve children’s sleep, reduce night wake-ups, increase children’s safety during sleep,
protect against undressing during sleep, protect against unhygienic sleep behavior, which is
especially common for children with special needs. to use ecological raw materials for children’s clothing, to adapt products of aesthetic design universally – both for typically developing children
and children with special needs.

E. komercijos modelio diegimas

UAB „First priority“, plėsdama savo veikla (įvesdama į rinką naują prekės ženklą), įgyvendina e.komercijos projektą, kurio metu bus sukurta nauja el. prekybos platforma,  o taip pat užtikrinta reikiama integracija su įmonės buhalterinės apskaitos sistema, siekiant optimizuoti įmonės naujų produktų el. prekybos procesą skaitmeninimo pagalba. Tai sąlygos tiek efektyvų el. pardavimų, tiek optimalų įmonės resursų valdymą, ko pasekoje augs įmonės pajamos.

Projektas finansuojamas iš Europos regioninės plėtros fondo, kaip Europos Sąjungos atsako į COVID-19 pandemiją priemonė.

Skaityti daugiau

Projekto pavadinimas – „E. komercijos modelio diegimas“
Projekto vykdytojas – UAB „First priority“

Bendra projekto vertė – 20 475.00 EUR
Iš Europos regioninės plėtros fondo projekto įgyvendinimui skiriama iki – 15 356,25 EUR

Projekto vykdymo pradžia – 2022-02-14
Projekto vykdymo pabaiga – 2022-10-13